Last Updated

2022-12-13 PostCSS Update postcss npm instructions
2022-12-13 Quick Start Emphasize Window shell selection (#1930)
2022-12-13 Configure Hugo Update
2022-12-10 Theme Components Docu 'Theme components': minor fix (#1929)
2022-12-06 BSD Remove Docker from BSD page (#1927)
2022-12-05 Markdown Render Hooks docs: Add basic doc for wrapStandAloneImageWithinParagraph etc.
2022-12-02 Sass / SCSS dartsass: Add sourceMapIncludeSources option
2022-11-25 absLangURL Fix (#1919)
2022-11-23 Directory Structure Add assets directory to directory structure diagram (#1917)
2022-11-23 truncate Follow-up: improve function signatures (#1914) (#1916)
2022-11-23 slicestr Follow-up: improve function signatures (#1914) (#1916)
2022-11-23 trim Improving function signatures (#1914)
2022-11-23 title Improving function signatures (#1914)
2022-11-23 time.Format Improving function signatures (#1914)
2022-11-23 substr Improving function signatures (#1914)
2022-11-23 replace Improving function signatures (#1914)
2022-11-23 i18n Improving function signatures (#1914)
2022-11-23 emojify Improving function signatures (#1914)
2022-11-23 countrunes Improving function signatures (#1914)
2022-11-23 chomp Improving function signatures (#1914)
2022-11-22 Multilingual Mode Explain how to create multilingual content (#1912)
2022-11-22 time.ParseDuration Add docu for undocumented functions (#1907)
2022-11-22 strings.ContainsAny Add docu for undocumented functions (#1907)
2022-11-22 strings.Contains Add docu for undocumented functions (#1907)
2022-11-22 duration Add docu for undocumented functions (#1907)
2022-11-22 crypto.FNV32a Add docu for undocumented functions (#1907)
2022-11-22 upper Add docu for undocumented functions (#1907)
2022-11-22 lower Add docu for undocumented functions (#1907)
2022-11-20 Host on Cloudflare Pages Update (#1903)
2022-11-20 Hugo 0.28: High-speed Syntax Highlighting! Remove asciicast from site

Least Recently Updated

2019-10-21 Taxonomy Variables Merge commit 'b9bd35d72e14932fb6588ff62b90cddef0a060fc' as 'docs'
2019-10-21 Apache License Merge commit 'b9bd35d72e14932fb6588ff62b90cddef0a060fc' as 'docs'
2019-10-21 Hugo 0.58.3: A couple of Bug Fixes Merge commit 'b9bd35d72e14932fb6588ff62b90cddef0a060fc' as 'docs'
2019-10-21 Hugo 0.58.2: A couple of Bug Fixes Merge commit 'b9bd35d72e14932fb6588ff62b90cddef0a060fc' as 'docs'
2019-10-21 Hugo 0.58.1: A couple of Bug Fixes Merge commit 'b9bd35d72e14932fb6588ff62b90cddef0a060fc' as 'docs'
2019-10-21 Image Processing Galore! Merge commit 'b9bd35d72e14932fb6588ff62b90cddef0a060fc' as 'docs'
2019-10-21 Hugo 0.57.2: A couple of Bug Fixes Merge commit 'b9bd35d72e14932fb6588ff62b90cddef0a060fc' as 'docs'
2019-10-21 Hugo 0.57.1: A couple of Bug Fixes Merge commit 'b9bd35d72e14932fb6588ff62b90cddef0a060fc' as 'docs'
2019-10-21 Hugo 0.57: The Cascading Edition Merge commit 'b9bd35d72e14932fb6588ff62b90cddef0a060fc' as 'docs'
2019-10-21 Hugo 0.56.2: A couple of Bug Fixes Merge commit 'b9bd35d72e14932fb6588ff62b90cddef0a060fc' as 'docs'

Pages marked with TODO

2022-12-13 Configure Hugo Update
2022-03-08 apply add `.html` suffix to partial usage and references


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